Monday, April 20, 2015

Welcome to the Whale Chasing Clans official Blog!

First and foremost, we are a Donation Clan.  We care more that you donate then farming, trophy counts or wars. Which means, we don't care if you farm or push for trophies.  That is all fine, as long as you are donating to your clan mates and hitting our minimum goal.

Basic Rules:
  1. Donate
  2. 200 donations a week minimum (400 for the 2 week period)
  3. No getting mad at your clan mates
  4. No Drama
  5. Donate only what is requested (unless you ask first and get the okay)
  6. Don't ask for troops or troop levels that you yourself cannot make
  7. Donate to those that request before you (unless you don't have the troop type requested)
  8. No Cussing in chat
  9. We are not making new elders, so don't ask

Clan War Rules:
People that will get left out of clan wars:
We don't let new people into wars until the word "new" is gone from their name
If you don't use either of your attacks in the last war
If you bring in no new stars in the last war
If you only used one attack (at my discretion and depends on how many people we need)
***I make an exception to the above rules for the bottom 1-5 people as long as they try their hardest. open to suggestions and are active.

War Notes* 
If you are left out of war and want to make sure you get in the next one, make sure you tell me in chat or on the blog 

Please download KIK for war chat, then send us your screen name and we will add you.  This is where we stratagize and ask each other for war troops.

War is done in multiples of 5, so there are times when I will have to leave someone out of war or bring someone into war if they don't want to or don't deserve it.  It happens sometime because I have to hit the magic number of multiples of 5. I try to be fair
  1. No war farming (attacking just a town hall and then quitting) -  Attack with everything you can
  2. Aim low (we suggest 10 spots below you or the bottom 5 untill they have all been 3 starred
  3. Don't attack any base that has been 3 starred!  No matter what, because it doesn't help the war
  4. Attack earlier, so you don't have to say you couldn't make troops for your second attack :(
Look, its nice to get more resources for your trouble, but we all lose resources if we lose the war.  We are not the best attackers in the game, but we can win because we are more active then most other clans.

***Not following the rules could lead to boot.  We try to be fair to everyone in the clan.

Kicking People Out:

***Most people know this already, but I will restate it here.  We kick out non-active clan mates out.

If you have a issue where you won't be around for a few weeks, just let the elders know and we will try to give you a break.

We have these rules so that everyone in the clan has a good time, always get donations when they need it and to have fun in this game.

Happy whale chasing :)

Great site for finding good base layouts for all the different Town hall levels: