Thursday, July 24, 2014

21 Clash of Clans central war castle base designs: th7, th8, th9, th10

If you've played Clash of Clans for more than a week you know that every player now has two different bases: the regular base and the war base. You also have two castles: the war castle for defense in clan wars and the clan castle for everything else. There is a wiki with more clan war basics. You should definitely read it if you haven't yet. Want more? Read this excellent clan war advice on Reddit.

The war castle is your best and strongest defense in clan wars.* Let's say your war castle holds 20 troop units and your clan mates fill it with level 5 wizards. They can do a total damage per second of 170*5 = 850 dps (splash ground and air) to attacking troops! 

Because a war castle full of wiz can fry 30 hogs faster than you can say "wizard bacon" the first thing a decent attacker will do is use giants, wall breakers or hogs to try to lure your war castle troops out and kill them before starting the rest of the attack. Don't let them kill your castle troops! 

Also remember that you cannot lose any resources during a clan war defense. Even if the attacker destroys 100% of your base, you will not lose any resources. So don't put your dark elixer storage in the center where your war castle should be.

th7 central war castle base designs

Town hall level 7 doesn't give you very many defensive buildings or walls. Nonetheless, it's still possible to keep your war castle protected and hidden from attacking troops.

This base leads attackers, like giants or even hogs, around the outside of the base, over hidden bombs and springs before they can get inside. It uses storage and barracks as a buffer between the outer ring of defensive buildings and the inner ring so that giants, hogs and golems will go around the outside first before going inside. All the while, they are taking damage.

Note that if the war castle white border cuts through the middle of a defensive building, the castle is still safe and hidden from hogs and giants. Hogs and giants will attack defensive buildings from the outside, and won't cross the war castle border until they find a defensive building completely within the border. The base below could even move his bottom left wizard tower one more space out for even better war castle defense so all outer defensive buildings are partially outside of the war castle boundary line.

There are other th7 bases possible with a centralized war castle, but th7 doesn't afford you very many walls or buildings. The real centralized war castle base designs start at th8.

th8 central war castle base designs

Like the th7 base above, all of the following make it very difficult for an opponent to lure out your clan castle troops. Most of the following bases are considered "anti-hog" bases because they lead hogs (as well as giants) around the outside of the base first, right over all of your hidden springs and bombs.

Make use of hidden teslas outside of the war castle boundary for additional protection of that war castle.

th9 central war castle base designs

th10 central war castle base designs

*One caveat with posts like this is that you'll see a lot of videos and posts with titles like "Best war base design. Ever." or "Perfect Hog-Proof War Base". Remember, there is no perfect base design. If there were, everyone would use it and the game would be no fun. It's pretty easy for maxed troops to get one star on pretty much any base. Try to make it as hard as possible for the attackers to get two stars, and extremely difficult to get three stars. The best way to do this is to hide your war castle.


  1. Great job Gavin, now if we all follow your lead we should be in great shape for the next war.

    1. Thanks cece. I had to modify my own war base too to better hide the war castle. Looking forward to transferring the design from my regular base to the war map.

  2. Hi,

    I really liked this page and was wondering if I could please add these bases to my blog to help my clanmmates?

    1. Hi Leah,
      I would recommend you guys check out our clan (stats and donation#s) and maybe join :P, but I wouldn't try to stop you if you wanted to share our bases with your clan. If you use more then just the bases (the rest of our info), it would be nice if you added a footnote citing where you got your information from. Good luck in COC from another Californian.

  3. Hi, guys. My in game name is Crigaas. I had to leave the clan last week because I was going on vacation. But I don't have enough trophies to get back in. I'm currently around 1550 trophies. I was wondering if you could perhaps lower the required trophies so I can rejoin. If you guys are only recruiting higher level players, I understand. Hope to hear from you soon.

    1. Hi Crigaas, I've been away from my email and just now saw your message. I will lower the trophy count to 1500 for the rest of the day for you. Hopefully you get this message and can get in. If not, let me know when a good day would be for me to lower for you.

    2. Hey crigass, long time no see :)

  4. Can you copy a base or do you have to change it ur self

    1. I wish! You have to change it manually yourself. Hope that helps, let me know if you have any other questions. What is your coc name?


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  6. hey i got a few pictures i took from a real hard Th9 base but i need location of the traps is there a way i can send the pictures to you. Aslo i have been searching for these base for a while now until i encounter this website.
